4 Things To Consider With Your Home Yoga Practice

One of the few silver linings to come out of the current lockdown is the way it’s encouraging us all to be inventive when it comes to our exercise. We’re learning and trying new home workouts. We’re learning just how much we can get done without expensive equipment. And we’re taking it upon ourselves to explore new possibilities. If you’ve always loved the idea of trying yoga but feel a little shy about joining a class, now is the perfect time to develop a grounding in yoga.

There are lots of fantastic online resources on YouTube and blogs like this one. Here we’ll look at a few things that you might need to consider when it comes to developing a great home practice.

What to Wear

Really, anything is comfortable, loose or flexible is ideal for yoga. However, overly loose tops can become frustrating when you’re suddenly wearing them over your face. And even baggy pants may not give you the flexibility you need to get into some yoga poses. Check out Curves Leggings for some great ideas for your legs. Remember that your skin needs to be able to breathe while also dealing with moisture effectively. 


Those wanting to push themselves hard may eschew blocks and straps because they see them as an easy fix. Like training wheels on a bike. But nothing could be further from the truth. Blocks and straps help your body to gradually get into the proper alignment for challenging poses rather than holding the closest it can get. Without blocks and straps you may be keeping yourself from your full potential. Here are 10 ways in which using yoga blocks can take your practice to the next level. And, if you don’t have straps or blocks at home, you can improvise with belts and books!

Managing Stress and anxiety 

Modern living can force us into a state of near-constant stress and anxiety. Especially right now. And we wear our stress all over our bodies. Stress and anxiety can tighten our muscles and make it much harder to get into poses. This is why breathing is one of the most important skills you can practice in yoga. Get your breathing right and you’ll be able to ease yourself into poses with aplomb. Even after a rough day. 

Practice with a friend

Finally, in the online era, we’re always sharing our health and fitness results with others over social media. If you and a friend have resolved to get into yoga at the same time, it might be fun to join the same online classes or practice at the same time to keep each other accountable!

Now it’s time to get on the mat and start developing your home practice!

Featured Image: Lograstudio via Pixabay


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