7 Tactics To Increase Yoga Business Revenue

Running a yoga business is about improving people’s well-being. But it is only sustainable if you are making money. 

But how do you do that? Fortunately, the answer is simpler than you might think. Here are some tactics you can use to increase the money you have coming in and make your enterprise more successful. 

Sell Class Packages

Don’t rely on students turning up every week and paying cash. People are fickle and will regularly miss sessions because “something came up.”

Instead, get them to commit to packages of sessions or lessons. Ask them to buy ten or 20 upfront so you receive guaranteed payment, and they are incentivized to show up. To get them interested, offer each session at a discount when bought as a bundle. 

Do One-On-One Sessions

Another approach is to do one-on-one sessions with your clients. People are often willing to pay significantly more for individual attention. Furthermore, you might attract clients who aren’t willing to practice yoga as part of a group. 

Sell Merch

Once you have an ecommerce payment processing gateway set up, you can also sell merchandise. T-shirts, mugs, and other yoga-related items help sell your personal brand and unique philosophy. And unlike giving lessons, selling these items doesn’t take up any of your time. You can also personalize mats, blocks, and wellness items to encourage people to buy. 

Join Corporate Programs

If you are struggling to retain regular clients, you can also try joining corporate programs. Companies are more likely to pay consistently and offer higher fees if you have to travel. As such, getting into the corporate space can be lucrative, particularly once you start networking and companies begin competing for your business. 

Offer A Referral Program

Another method to increase revenue in your yoga business is to implement a referral program. Paying your existing clients to become brand ambassadors can be an excellent way to motivate them to attract more customers. 

Referrals are one of the best ways to gain customers in the yoga business. Companies that do it are more likely to attract new people and gain in popularity over time. 

Expand Onto Social Media

You could also try expanding onto social media to increase your revenue. Platforms let you promote your classes and events and provide opportunities for promotions and client recruitment drives. You can also talk to your customers about upcoming classes and how they found your teaching or what they would like to see in the future. 

Add New Types Of Yoga

You don’t have to offer plain old vanilla yoga sessions as a business to generate revenue. You can also attract funds by selling new types of yoga. 

For example, many instructors are having success with dog yoga. This format lets people bring their pets with them. 

Another example is maternity yoga. This type of yoga helps pregnant women feel more comfortable as they get closer to birth. 

Yoga for athletes is also popular. Sportspeople want classes to help them feel more flexible and robust.

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash


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Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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