Charlie Reid on What Yoga Teachers Can Learn from Personal Training & the Fitness Industry

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This week on the podcast I am joined by Charlie Reid. Charlie is a personal trainer in San Francisco who offers a custom-tailored approach to fitness. On this episode, Charlie shares how he got into personal training and how he built up a successful private personal training business. Charlie talks about the importance of being great at what you do, caring about your clients, and how being passionate are the keys to running a successful business in the personal training industry. We also talk about the overlaps between the personal training and yoga industry, and what yoga teachers can learn from Charlie’s business, and the personal training industry. Finally, we talk about the benefits of strength training as a yogi, and how to get started with a strength training practice.


Discussed in this episode:
  • How Charlies started his career working with The Egoscue Method and a major fitness club before taking his business private.
  • How popular the advice to “find your niche” is, but how the best way to go about that is often not actively trying to set out a niche, but rather working with clients that you like and having a niche find you organically.
  • For a private fitness business, having strong relationships with other fitness professionals who can refer clients to you (and vice versa) is very valuable. Those relationships help you learn to deliver a stronger service by learning from others and also lead to referrals.
  • Another key part of building strong word of mouth is focusing on serving your clients. Working with clients for a limited time, referring clients to others, or giving your students a push to work through a self-practice will bring you a big benefit in the long term through goodwill.
  • Having a passion for learning and putting helping your clients first will help you always evolve as a fitness professional. Don’t get stuck on your method, focus on creating value and you’ll always be growing.
  • Charlie’s go-to nutrition resources:
  • Integrating strength training and other fitness into a yoga practice as many people in yoga prioritize flexibility above the other aspects of mobility.
  • And much more… Here’s the episode!

Connect with Charlie:

Want to join me on a tropical adventure in Costa Rica this fall? Meghan Pherrill and I are co-leading a retreat for yoga teachers at the beautiful Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort November 2-9, 2019 and we’d love for you to join us.

Learn more here!

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About the Podcast

Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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