How to Build Your Email with Your Online Classes

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This week on the show we are talking email! 

Why is an email essential for your business? Because it is one of very few ways left to talk directly to your students.

Think about your own experience of scrolling on Instagram or Facebook. When was the last time you stopped and read a long post?

When we log onto social media we are inundated with shiny distractions. When trying to share our message, we are competing against notifications, photos, stories, and messages. More than that, our ability to speak to our students is at the whim of social media companies algorithms. With email, you have a direct method to share a message with the people who need to hear it.

So in this episode I am doing a deep dive into building an email list. From what software to use to how to build and grow your list, we’ll cover the basics so you feel confident and conformable starting or growing your email list!


To learn more and register for our upcoming workshop Pitch Perfect: How to Be a Great Podcast Pitcher & Guest!

Discussed in this episode:

  • The challenges and downsides of offering free classes online
  • Why email lists help you connect with your students
  • What are the best email list services
  • How to collect your students emails from online classes 
  • Ways to collect emails on your website
  • Pro tips for building your email list 

Learn more about Pitch Perfect: How to Be a Great Podcast Pitcher & Guest!


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Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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