Even though Yoga is a gentle form of exercise, it can still be incredibly easy to get injuries during your practice. This is especially the case for newcomers who have no former experience. Thankfully, though, there are quite a few steps you can take to help you prevent all of those injuries. Take these tips, for instance – they should tell you everything that you need to do to prevent yoga injuries.
Find A Qualified Yoga Teacher
First of all, and probably most importantly, you need find a class that is lead by a qualified Yoga teacher. It takes a few years of intense studying to become a professional teacher, and all of this experience and knowledge is so that they can keep all of their students as safe as possible. If you end up being taught by someone who isn’t qualified, then they might not be aware of certain best practices and injury preventative techniques. So, before you do sign up for a class, make sure that whoever will be teaching you has all of the required qualifications.
Track How Your Body Moves
It’s a good idea to get an idea of how your body naturally moves. This could help you figure out if you are prone to any injuries in certain areas. There are various ways to track movement, and most people will go to see a physiotherapist for this service. These days, though, it is possible to track your own movements and get an analysis of them at home. All you need to do is buy wearable movement sensors that you can attach to your body. As you move around, you will be able to get a better idea of the natural flow of your body.
Don’t Push Yourself Too Soon
No matter what kind of exercise you carry out, it is always important that you don’t push yourself too far too soon. You might not think that this is the case with Yoga, but believe me, it’s still really easy to get injured doing some of the complicated poses before you are ready. So, make sure you always take baby steps and only try to move forward when you are confident that you are fit and strong enough to do so. If you aren’t sure whether you are ready to move onto the next level of Yoga moves, it’s always a good idea to speak to your class teacher for advice.
Watch Out For Vulnerable Areas
Our bodies are all built differently and some of us will be a lot more prone to specific injuries than others. If you have previously been injured or have strained a muscle, then this might even put you at a higher risk as well. So, if you know that you have a vulnerable leg or arm, for instance, make sure that you don’t overwork it when you are stretching and getting into Yoga poses. It might even benefit you to wear some extra support on the affected area, such as a knee brace.
Join Small Classes
If you haven’t joined a Yoga class yet, it’s worth looking for a small one that only has a few pupils in it. That way, the Yoga teacher will be able to spend more time with you, and you will benefit from this one-on-one attention. This is a lot preferable as your teacher will be able to help you get into the right position and will let you know if you are doing anything wrong. When the class is very large, the teacher may not spot you doing something wrong in a pose. That means you are more likely to do something that could cause you pain or an injury.
Let Your Teacher Know If Something Is Painful
It is always important that you are vocal about any pain. Don’t be shy or worried that your Yoga teacher will tell you off – they will be happy that you let them know! After all, it is in their best interest that you are always safe while you are stretching and getting into poses. If something does hurt you, it might be because you are doing it wrong. So, you should let your teacher know and they can then tell you any adjustments that you need to make to your form or position.
If you are careful whenever you practice Yoga, then you shouldn’t be at risk of getting an injury. Following all of these useful tips in this blog post should help you out as well!
Featured Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-exercising-892682/