Finding The Self-Discipline You Need To Work Out

You can have all the gear to get fit, all the money to manage the gym and healthy foods, and all the know-how of which exercises are best for you. However, if you don’t have the self-discipline and the perseverance to stick to your routine, it’s all too easy to watch it fall apart, no matter how much prep work you do. It’s time to look at the question of discipline and how you instill it in yourself when aiming at better health.

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Have a specific goal in mind

We all want to be healthier, but the truth is that if you’re pushing forward with such a nebulous goal, it’s easy to lose sight of it and to become fed up with the struggle. Find a list of more concrete, measurable goals with the help of sites like Whether it’s hitting a specific weight, being able to lift a certain amount, or even aiming to fit a certain outfit, having a finish line makes it a lot easier to see as you get closer to it, filling you with the confidence and positive reinforcement to go on.

Change your habits incrementally

A lot of people who haven’t exercised or dieted in a while make the mistake of changing their whole life at once. Take a look at some of the major changes you can make at and start making them bit by bit. Cut out one food or start one new exercise at a time. Turn it into a habit, then do the same for the next thing. Not only are you less likely to give up because you bit off more than you could chew, you get that sense of progress to boot.

Remember to stay motivated

You need to find your motivation and keep returning to it. Some people find their motivation by pinning a page to their wall that lists their health pledges to themselves. Some exercise with a group or a friend to make things more fun and social. Some people plug in some tunes and workout to the beat. Whatever your motivational core is, find it and it will make the struggle much easier.

Start with the right step

It’s a lot easier to stay disciplined if you start your day healthily. Create a morning routine as shown at This might mean waking a little earlier and getting used to the idea of exercise first thing. However, though it might be annoying, it’s much easier to workout early, when your body is waking up, than in the evening, after work, housework or school have drained you of energy. Starting the day off with the right step makes it easier to keep taking the right steps as the day goes on.

Working out is tough, especially if you haven’t been serious about it in a while (or ever.) If you can find the discipline to get over that initial hurdle, however, it will get easier. It might be physically tougher, but you will have developed the resilience to persevere.

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