Kristine Weber on Subtle Yoga & The Importance of Slowing Down

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This week on the podcast I am joined by Kristine Weber from Subtle Yoga. Kristine has been teaching yoga for 25 years, training yoga teachers since 2009, and has begun training health professionals on the importance of a yoga practice for healing.

When Kristine started teaching yoga, she immediately feel in love with the slower, more subtle aspects of the practice. Over the years, she has brought the more subtle, slower aspects of yoga into her teaching.

On this episode, Kristine and I talk about the importance of the subtle practice, why we need to learn more about the nervous system and how yoga impacts that, the importance of slowing down, and all of the business lessons that Kristine has learned throughout her career!


Discussed in this episode:
  • How Kristine got into yoga and why she decided that she wanted to be a yoga teacher
  • How Kristine started her business – Subtle Yoga
  • The yoga community is aging so there is more space for slower and more subtle yoga
  • Kristine’s experience offering something different and the pushback that she got from people practicing yoga
  • Moving slowly and slowing down is really essential to your health and wellbeing
  • 90% of people aren’t doing yoga and 6/10 people suffer from a chronic disease
  • If you want to be successful in yoga, learn more about what the average person is suffering from and learn how to teach to them
  • Slowing things down has a different impact on the brain
  • As yoga teachers, we need to remove yoga out of the exercise category and teach people how yoga can really benefit their health
  • Make yourself an invaluable resource to health care providers
  • Subtle practices are different than slow flow – you can actually impact the nervous system differently with subtle practices
  • If you teach stronger classes, learn how to bring in my subtle practices into your classes so that you can benefit your students nervous systems
  • Watching Netflix and drinking a bottle of wine is a different practice than actively training the nervous system to slow down
  • We need more yoga teachers teaching people how to regulate their nervous systems
  • Business tip: have a digital footprint and get online!
  • Trust yourself and recognize that whatever you have to offer is valuable
  • Even if you only help one person, you’ve done something valuable in your lifetime!
  • We can only teach yoga from the level that we understand it from, and that’s good enough – you’re not going to understand and learn everything and you can teach from that place
  • If you can get help, that is a great idea – it’s best to do what you are good at and hire someone to help you with the things that you don’t love / aren’t great at
  • There are lots of opportunities for teaching, but you need to have a clear strategy for that, otherwise you’ll spend your whole day just trying to decide what to do, who to reach or how to reach them
  • Tip for new yoga teachers: if you want to teach yoga, get certified as a clinical practitioner (in the use)
  • And much more… Here’s the episode!

Connect with Kristine: 

Subtle Yoga

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Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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