How to Legally Protect Your Yoga Business

Welcome yoga entrepreneurs!

As yoga instructors, our passion drives us to help others, but safeguarding our own journey as entrepreneurs is equally important. As a yoga instructor, you operate in a semi-unregulated industry that brings with it many layers of risk, and as you dive into the online world to market your business (or run online yoga classes), you’re opening yourself up to more legal issues.

Creating a solid legal foundation is essential and allows you to move forward with building your business without stress!

BUT, you also don’t want to do this with generic legal agreements that aren’t specific to yoga!  That’s why I partnered with Law Is Fun.

They specialize in the yoga and wellness industry, their legal agreements are written specifically for yoga, and they speak to the nuances of our industry. So, you can be confident you’re covered for all risks!

They have legal bundles that provide JUST what you need, or individual agreements to fill gaps in your coverage.  

Disclaimer: Nothing provided in this blog should be construed as legal advice. The information in this blog is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a lawyer if you would like legal advice specific to your business.

What legal agreements does every yoga instructor need?

This will be slightly different if you are a yoga teacher operating online or if you own a studio. The information below is for those operating online. If you’re a studio, I’d suggest taking a look at either their Basic Studio Package or Complete Studio Package.

Now, for the yoga teachers creating a business online…

I’d recommend checking out the Yoga Teacher Package. You can use my code MBOM to save 10% on any package or agreement on their site.

Below are the four agreements every yoga teacher needs:

Privacy Policy + Terms & Conditions (two agreements):

  • Teaching yoga involves handling personal information. The Privacy Policy + Terms & Conditions establish clear guidelines for data protection, forming trust between you and your clients. It ensures you’re compliant with privacy laws while demonstrating your commitment to professionalism. Every website in the world requires these agreements.

Waiver of Liability:

  • Anytime you’re providing any kind of coaching, unexpected twists can arise. The Waiver of Liability acts as your legal armor, protecting you from potential claims stemming from client injuries or dissatisfaction. It’s your safety net, allowing you to focus on the yoga without worrying about them suing you because of getting injured during your classes.

Service Agreement:

  • The Service Agreement creates a seamless working relationship. It outlines the specifics of your services, fees, cancellation policies, and other critical details.

These are four absolute essentials if you’re just getting started… but most of you are ALSO going to be diving into social media, affiliate marketing, and sharing testimonials.  

The Yoga Teacher Package includes the below agreements for FREE as a bonus.

Affiliate Disclaimer:

  • If you’re engaged in affiliate marketing, the Affiliate Disclaimer adds an extra layer of transparency. It discloses any potential financial relationships, cementing your credibility and trustworthiness. It’s legally required if you’re going to be making a commission on recommendations you make of other companies’ products.

Social Media Disclaimer:

  • Your online presence matters. The Social Media Disclaimer clarifies your role, preventing misconceptions about your content’s purpose. This ensures that if someone follows the “advice” or education you put out on social media, you aren’t going to get in trouble.

Non-Disclosure Agreement:

  • The Non-Disclosure Agreement ensures confidential discussions remain just that – confidential. It establishes a safe space, but is also used if you work with contractors or employees and want to keep your business workings private!

Media Release:

  • One of the most powerful ways to build new business and get clients is to share testimonials. It’s a core part of most marketing plans! But if you haven’t had a Media Release signed, you won’t legally be able to use or post their testimonial! Make sure to have this signed so you can promote away.

Everything above is included in the Yoga Teacher Package

But do any of these apply to you?

  • You work with contractors?
  • You have employees?
  • You create and sell online courses?
  • You run an online community?
  • You do giveaways?

If so, keep in mind that each of these has their own legal risks. Law is Fun has yoga-specific agreements for each of these layers of your business.

Putting it all together

Legal protection is an essential part of being a yoga instructor. Trust me, you don’t want the stress of leaving yourself open to legal issues.  

Being proactive and setting yourself up with a solid legal foundation will provide peace of mind and set you up to succeed in your business and grow without limits.

Law is Fun is a great and affordable option for those who don’t feel like they want to work with a lawyer or need additional support from a lawyer. Their agreements were written by a 5-star yoga lawyer who has worked with over 1000 yoga businesses in the last six years.  

Don’t forget, you can always use my code MBOM for 10% off their agreements and packages.

If you’re someone who would prefer 1-on-1 support from a lawyer, I’d recommend reaching out to Cory at Conscious Counsel.

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash


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Weekly interviews for yoga teachers packed with information to help you create, grow or expand your yoga business! Whether you are brand new to business or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something for you.

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