Where are you in your yoga teaching journey?
New Yoga Teacher
You just finished your yoga teacher training, have just started teaching, or are still in your first 1-2 years of teaching.
You are still refining your teaching and are beginning to think deeper about your yoga business.
Experienced Yoga Teacher
You’ve been teaching for a couple of years and are interested in elevating your yoga business.
You dream of full classes & a sustainable income made from your passion: teaching yoga.
Studio Owner
You are a current studio owner or an aspiring studio owner.
You are ready to go from surviving to thriving with your studio, to welcome more students into your community & pay both yourself & your teachers more.
My mission with M.B.Om is to support you on your yoga teaching journey by helping you create a business that you love.
About M.B.Om
“M.B.Om fills the missing link in most yoga education, and it does so in an engaging, thoughtful way. An extremely listenable + needed podcast! Highly recommend.”
Listen to the Most Recent Episodes of the Podcast
2024: Goal Setting & Manifestation
Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes! Welcome back to another season of M.B.Om! We're kicking off 2024 and this new season by doing some goal-setting and manifestation work for the year. We start with a series of prompts to help you brainstorm your goals in...
2023 Year in Review
Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes! It's that time of year again! I'm sitting down to reflect on 2023! In this episode, we cover this year on the podcast, including the new format of the show and how that went. I also share some career updates, what I worked...
Why Yoga Teachers Need a Great Software with Eddie Arpin
Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes! This week on the podcast, I am joined by Eddie Arpin. Eddie has been helping people achieve their goals through technology for over 15 years. He is currently helping thousands of wellness and fitness business owners as a...
Yoga Teacher Mentorship & Avoiding Burnout with Jaffer Hussain
Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes! This week on the podcast, I am joined by Jaffer Hussain. Jaffer is a yoga teacher based in Toronto, Canada, who teaches in-person classes and has his own online membership. Jaffer came on the podcast in June 2021 to share...
The Importance of Networking & How CoachPals is Changing the Game for Yoga Teachers with Dania Valladares
Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes! This week on the podcast, I am joined by Dania Valladares. Dania is the co-founder and CEO of CoachPals. Dania's love for science and yoga led her to discover her passion for using technology to make an impact on people's...
Marketing & Pricing That Feels Good with Tad Hargrave
Download the Episode or Subscribe on iTunes! This week on the podcast, I am joined by Tad Hargrave. Tad is a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned to be a hippy again). Over the last 10+ years, Tad has become one of the first full-time "conscious...