021: How to Quit Your Full-Time Job to Teach Yoga with Caron Christison

021: How to Quit Your Full-Time Job to Teach Yoga with Caron Christison

Do you want to quit your job to teach yoga full-time? Is your dream to be a full-time yoga teach? Caron’s was too.

On this episode of the podcast, Caron Christison, and Atlanta based yoga teacher, shares how she went from working a full-time corporate job to teaching yoga full-time, and how you can too.

I’ve talked to a lot of people who teach yoga part-time or as a side gig outside of their full-time job who want to make the switch, but simply don’t know where to start. Or, they don’t know how to make it work financially. Caron is living proof that it can be done. We talk about her journey as a yoga teacher, what it was like to make the transition from full-time corporate to full-time yoga, what she had to give up, the struggles, and why it has all been worth it.


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019: My 1 Year Teaching Anniversary & What I’ve Learned as a Yoga Teacher

019: My 1 Year Teaching Anniversary & What I’ve Learned as a Yoga Teacher

Are you thinking about doing a yoga teacher training? Do you want to become a yoga teacher? Have you recently completed your teacher training and are feeling a bit uncertain? This episode is for you!

The beginning of May marked my one year teaching anniversary, and I decided to celebrate that by having my boyfriend and travel podcast co-host, Ryan, interview me on what the last year has been like for me, and how becoming a yoga teacher has changed my life. We talk about what inspired me to become a yoga teacher, what I’ve learned in the last year of teaching, what yoga has taught me about myself, and much more. I share the biggest business lessons I’ve learned through my personal journey as a teacher, and through people I’ve met and talked to along the way.


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The 5 Things I learned from Lydia Zamorano

The 5 Things I learned from Lydia Zamorano


When I got off the phone after interviewing Lydia Zamorano, I felt excited and inspired. Lydia’s demeanor is gentle and her disposition is soft, yet she is one of the strongest yogini’s I have ever encountered.

When I stopped to reflect on what I learned from Lydia, the following 5 things stood out for me:


Life as a Full-Time Yoga Teacher

Life as a Full-Time Yoga Teacher

You complete your yoga teacher training (YTT), and jump in as a full-time yoga teacher, teaching multiple classes a week. Maybe you teach 3-5 classes, 10-15 classes, or even upwards of 20 classes. Regardless of how many yoga classes you are teaching in a week, you are probably experiencing some of the following:

Exhaustion unparalleled with anything you ever felt in any job you worked in. It’s definitely worse than that office job you were working before you did your YTT, and surprisingly more exhausting than your brief stint as a waitress years ago.

You have become BFF’s with your car. The two of you travel around the city that you live and teach in each and every day. You travel to places in the city that you had never been before just so that you can make enough money to get by. You become grateful that you are zen enough not to yell as you spend hours crawling along in traffic, often way too hungry for your own good.


From Corporate America to Full-Time Yoga Teacher with Katie Roll

From Corporate America to Full-Time Yoga Teacher with Katie Roll

I met Katie Roll while practicing yoga at Active Sol yoga studio in Atlanta. I was immediately drawn to her classes, and I kept coming back. I would come home and tell my boyfriend, Ryan, how cool Katie’s classes were and how spunky her vibe was.

“Why don’t you ask her to go for coffee?” he suggested.

I fidgeted nervously. That was completely outside of my comfort zone. I knew he was right though. This girl was cool and I wanted to be her friend.

She must have been on the same wave length as me, because the following day she started following me on Instagram and we got to talking.
