Does Wanting To Make More Money Go Against Spirituality?

Spirituality And Money Are Both About Expansion

The soul wants to grow, and it does this by having many life experiences. Money is one of the tools that can help us to lead fuller lives. This doesn’t mean everything will be perfect and you’ll automatically be happy, but it is definitely a great tool. Many people think of money as “the root of all evil,” and this definitely will not help you to make money. Financial resources give you the opportunity to have many life experiences. Growth will occur as a result.

Money Isn’t Good Or Bad

Thinking of money as good or bad would be incorrect. It’s just paper. What matters is the energy behind the money. The energy you approach your finances with determines whether making money feels good or bad. Money that has been made in a way that serves people feels good because it’s used in a loving way. By making sure you earn money honestly in a way that makes you feel good and that your actions with it are loving and kind overall, money will become just that for you.

Imagine Money In Conscious Hands

Much of the world’s money goes to people who are not conscious and do not use it in a positive manner. However, imagine a world where the majority of the money went to those who were conscious? This is why conscious people should create financial abundance. There are countless examples of people and companies that use their wealth to help the world. When you have money, you have the resources to reach out and help many, many people. Using money in ways that enhance your life and the lives of others will put out more positivity into the world. You could start looking at virtual reality stocks to buy or even ways of creating passive income. Whatever you do, stay conscious and use it wisely!

Here are some pointers to help you on your quest to grow spiritually and financially:

  • Try to focus on doing what you love and what betters yourself and the world. Don’t make money the end goal.
  • If money comes from it, no matter how much, use it positively.
  • Use money to give to those around you in a constructive manner. Use it to share and to help people. See it as a way in which you can make positive changes for yourself and the rest of the world.

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